
15 Ton Overhead Crane – 4 Ultimate Options

Apa ruang penanganan beban Anda memiliki rentang antara 36 hingga 50 meter dan proyek Anda membutuhkan Crane 15 Ton yang ringan atau berat? Kami memiliki 4 pilihan untuk menjaga proyek penanganan beban Anda tetap pada jalurnya!



Crane Type

Lifting Capacity

Max Span

Lifting Speed

Control Options

Primary Applications

European Single Girder

Up to 16 tons

Up to 36 meters

0.4-16 m/min

Wireless remote, cab control, handheld

Shipbuilding, Mining, Power, Steel, Manufacturing

Light Overhead

5 to 100 tons

0-49 meters

0.4-16 m/min

Wireless remote, cab control, handheld

Manufacturing, General Construction

Winch Overhead

5 to 360 tons

0-49 meters

0.4-20 m/min

Wireless remote, cab control, handheld

Heavy-duty applications

Gantry Crane

Up to 320 tons

Up to 50 meters

0.4-16 m/min

Wireless remote, cab control, handheld

Various industries including Port Operations


15 Ton Overhead Crane – 4 Ultimate Options!

Apa ruang penanganan beban Anda memiliki rentang antara 36 hingga 50 meter dan proyek Anda membutuhkan Crane 15 Ton ringan atau berat? Kami memiliki 4 pilihan untuk menjaga proyek penanganan beban Anda tetap pada jalurnya!

15 ton crane

15 Ton European Single Girder Overhead Crane

Are you looking for a cost-effective project solution for handling loads of up to 15 tons in a limited space?

Our KRC European single Girder Overhead crane is your ultimate choice!

Powered by German technology, the crane boasts box-type main girders for superior load-handling strength and stability.


Light Overhead 15 Ton Crane

For your general manufacturing or construction projects that handle Light to heavy loads, our Light Overhead 15 Ton Crane is your perfect match!

Designed to lift loads of 5 to 100 tons, this crane offers you the flexibility you need to safely, and efficiently lift heavy loads within a span of up to 49 meters!


Winch Overhead 15 Ton Crane

Dengan crane Winch Overhead 15 Ton yang bersertifikat CE dan ISO, proyek beban berat Anda sekarang dapat “sepenuhnya dimuat” untuk kinerja maksimum!

Tergantung pada kebutuhan proyek Anda, crane ini memiliki rentang pengangkatan beban dari 5 hingga 360 ton, menjadikannya pilihan super untuk beban super berat!


15 Ton Gantry Crane

For your outdoor projects such as port operations or other industrial applications, our 15 Ton Gantry Crane has the lifting capability and safety measures you require.

Depending on your project needs, the crane can be customized to span up to 50 meters with a maximum load capacity of up to 320 tons!

“`### Explanation of Changes: – Corrected the spelling of “Cran” to “Crane”. – Added “be” in “the crane can be customized” for grammatical accuracy.

15 Ton European Single Girder Overhead Crane




Max. Lifting Capacity

Up to 16 tons

Max. Span

Up to 36 meters

Trolley Speed

5-60 meters per minute

Hoist Speed

2-20 meters per minute

Lifting Speed

0.4-16 meters per minute

Key Benefits and Features

    • Designed to handle project loads and materials of up to 16 tons efficiently.
    • Suitable for a wide range of projects, especially in ship-building, mining, and manufacturing
    • It has a maximum span of up to 36 meters, and, therefore, is suitable if you have a small load-handling space
    • Allows for effective control of lifting and trolley speed to suit different project needs
    • Provides 3 remote control options for enhanced safety and flexibility load-handling.
20 ton overhead crane

Light Overhead 15 Ton Crane




Core Components

Gearbox, Motor, Frequency Converter

Place of Origin

Henan, China


1 Year


5000 kg

Crane Feature

Bridge Crane

Lifting Load

5 to 100 Ton

Span Range


Product Name

Light Double Beam Overhead Crane


Construction Hoist

Max Lifting Height


Lifting Speed


Operating Speed


Cross Travelling



European-style electric wire rope hoist

Control Options

Wireless remote control, cab control, handheld control




Key Benefits and Features

    • Double beam design allows for customization for a lifting power of 5 to 100 tons.
    • It comes with a gearbox, motor, and Frequency Converter to ensure smooth and efficient load-handling operations
    • The crane has a wide lifting span of up to 49 meters, which is suitable for handling loads at manufacturing and construction sites.
    • It has a European-style electric wire hoist reputed for its energy-saving and compact structure.
    • CE and ISO certified and comes with a 1-year warranty.

Winch Overhead 15 Ton Crane


KRC ZLK Double Beam Crane Main technical parameters



Core Components

Gearbox, Motor, Frequency Converter

Place of Origin

Henan, China


1 Year


5000 kg

Crane Feature

Bridge Crane

Lifting Load

5 to 360 Ton

Span Range


Product Name

Winch Double Beam Overhead Crane


Construction Hoist

Max Lifting Height


Lifting Speed


Long Operating


Cross Travelling



European-style electric wire rope hoist

Control Options

Wireless remote control, cab control, handheld control




Key Benefits and Features

    • Capable of safely lifting and pulling your loads or materials of up to 15 tons.
    • It comes complete with a gearbox, motor, and frequency converter.
    • The crane has a lifting height of 30 to 40 meters, making it ideal for your construction site.
    • Remote control options for desired safety and load-handling flexibility.
    • Conforms to the desired CE and ISO certification standards.
    • It has a 1-year warranty which includes all the necessary after sale support services.

15 Ton Gantry Crane




Lifting Capacity

Maximum 320 tons


Maximum 50 meters

Running Speed of Large Vehicle

3-30 m/min

Trolley Running Speed

4-40 m/min

Lifting Speed

0.4-16 m/min

Key Benefits and Features

    • Designed for outdoor handling of loads of up to 15 tons at the ports or industrial project site
    • It has a wide span of 50 meters, allowing for its application in a large construction site.
    • When desired, you can have your crane customized to lift loads of up to 360 tons!
    • Provides flexibility in trolley running speed and load-lifting speed.

15 Ton Overhead Crane Application Areas

Sawijining area sing paling cocog kanggo nggunakake solusi crane overhead 10 Ton kita kalebu:

    • Site Konstruksi: Kanggo ngangkat lan mindhah bahan konstruksi sing abot kanthi efisien.
    • Fasilitas Manufaktur: Kanggo ngewangi ngangkat lan mindhah bahan lan produk rampung.
    • Perawatan Mesin Abot: Ngangkat lan mindhah mesin abot utawa komponen mesin ing stasiun perbaikan.
    • Industri Pertambangan: Ngangkat lan mindhah bahan pertambangan utawa mesin sing abot kanthi efisien.
    • Industri Energi: Nanganake peralatan utawa komponen abot ing industri energi.

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